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CadioSerial Library


CadioSerial arduino library allows you to connect external MCUs to the ESP in order to add extra GPIOs, or to do any tasks not natively supported.

CadioSerial arduino library for arduino ide is available to download from Downloads center.


  • In this example we have arduino board connected with ESP8266.
  • The ESP8266 flashed with CADIO firmware and software serial option is activated.
  • On arduino board we have 8 switches and 8 relays.
  • We are using A4 and A5 as software serial pins on the arduino board to communicate with the ESP8266.



ESP info file settings

  • Enabling software serial option.


  • Adding 8 ON/OFF devices, and select their GPIOs as SERIAL.


Arduino code

#define CADIO_RX A4 //define custom software serial pins (before including <CadioSerial.h>)
#define CADIO_TX A5 //define custom software serial pins (before including <CadioSerial.h>)

#include <CadioSerial.h> //include CadioSerial library
CadioSerial cadio; //create instance

int relay[8] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; //output pins
int sw[8] = {10, 11, 12, 13, A0, A1, A2, A3}; //switches pins

byte swLast[8]; //for saving last switches status

void cadioOrder(int index, int value) { //new order form esp
if (value > 0) {
digitalWrite(relay[index], HIGH); //change relay status
} else {
digitalWrite(relay[index], LOW); //change relay status

void sw_check() { //check real switches changes after ignoring noise
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (digitalRead(sw[i]) != swLast[i]) {
bool confirm = true;
unsigned long deNoise = millis();
while (millis() - deNoise < 100) {
if (digitalRead(sw[i]) == swLast[i]) {
confirm = false;
if (confirm) {
swLast[i] = digitalRead(sw[i]);

void sw_changed(int i) { //switch status changed
digitalWrite(relay[i], !digitalRead(relay[i])); //change relay status
if (digitalRead(relay[i])) {
cadio.set(i, 255); //send new status to esp
} else {
cadio.set(i, 0); //send new status to esp

void setup() {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
pinMode(relay[i], OUTPUT); //set relays pinMode
pinMode(sw[i], INPUT_PULLUP); //set switches pinMode
swLast[i] = digitalRead(sw[i]); //save last switches digitalRead
cadio.begin(); //start cadio library
cadio.onOrder(cadioOrder); //get orders
cadio.getCurrentStatus(); //request all current status from esp

void loop() {
sw_check(); //check switches status
cadio.loop(); //check for cadio orders

API usage

Defining software serial pins

#define CADIO_RX A4
#define CADIO_TX A5
  • Must be defined before including the library.
  • If not added, RX and TX pins will be used.

Including CadioSerial library

#include <CadioSerial.h>

Creating instance

CadioSerial cadio;


  • This function should be called in setup().

Handling communications

  • This function should be added at the end of loop().

Listening for CADIO orders

  • This function should be called in setup().

cadioOrder callback function:

void cadioOrder(int index, int value)
  • index: the device index.
  • value: a number from 0 to 255.
    • for ONOFF devices OFF = 0 and ON = 255.

Sending device status to CADIO

cadio.set(int index, int value);
  • index: the device index.
  • value: a number from 0 to 255.
    • for ONOFF devices OFF = 0 and ON = 255.

Requesting all devices status form CADIO

  • response will received as normal orders.

Listening for CADIO cooling fan orders

  • This function should be called in setup().

fanOrder callback function:

void fanOrder(int value)
  • value: OFF = 0 and ON = 255.